Construction & Planning



At the beginning of the construction process in early 2011, we established a two stage construction plan. Our intention was to build the basic portions of the Memorial, which included the granite pentagram, the granite columns with the names engraved, and the lighted flagpoles, with the funds available at the time. Depending on our ability to raise additional funds, we also planned to complete as much of the remainder of the Memorial as our resources would allow.

Throughout 2011, the response from our community was overwhelming. In spite of the poor economic climate, we continued to receive significant monetary contributions. On top of that, many local business organizations generously gave most of the goods and services we needed to complete construction. Taken all together, the community response convinced us to significantly lower our estimated requirement for additional funds, and to complete construction of the entire Memorial in 2011.

Now that the Montgomery Veterans Memorial is an integral part of our community, we plan to continue our fund raising efforts in support of the Memorial. These funds may be used for additional site work, as well as for various projects and activities which directly support the fundamental meaning and purpose of the Montgomery Veterans Memorial. These projects and activities could include everything from landscaping and other capital improvements to sponsoring activities and perhaps even scholarships for Montgomery students who find ways of contributing to the substance and the spirit of our Memorial.

All funds donated to the Montgomery Veterans Memorial prior to March 1, 2012, were held, managed, and dispersed by the Princeton Area Community Foundation. The Community Foundation works to encourage philanthropy across Central New Jersey, and offers a wide range of services to donors to make their giving easy, efficient, and effective. All funds donated on or after March 1, 2012, will be placed in a Dedicated Trust administered by Montgomery Township. All donations will be tax deductible to the donor and will be held by the Township for the exclusive use of the Montgomery Veterans Memorial. The donations will not earn any income while they are held by the Dedicated Trust, nor will there be any fees charged by the Township. Thus, 100% of all donations will be used only in support of the Veterans Memorial


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