Aug 072023

Montgomery Township has the honorable distinction of being designated a Purple Heart Community.  As part of the privilege of remembering and acknowledging the sacrifices of those who gave so much for the freedom and opportunities we have today, the Montgomery Veterans Memorial Committee (MVMC) will be continuing to collect and add to the stories of “Purple Heart in Our Community” for any Purple Heart recipients currently residing in Montgomery Township as well as current Township residents that are immediate family members of a Purple Heart recipient (including parents /grandparents). If this distinction includes you or someone in your family and you have not yet spoken with the MVMC, please call Township Clerk Lisa Fania at (908) 359-8211 Ext. 2240.

The MVMC and Township plans to again recognize all our Purple Heart residents on August 7, 2023 (National Purple Heart Day) and maintain a permanent record of the stories of honor and remembrance on this website. The following Purple Heart recipients have been identified thus far; may their narratives and pictures bring to life the spirit, bravery, and sacrifices they made for us all

 Posted by at 11:32 am