Funding Progress


Fund Raising to Support the Memorial

Our building fund raising program was closed out with completion of construction of the Montgomery Veterans Memorial. Thanks to the generous contributions of money, goods, and services from the members of our community and those outside our community who support our efforts, we were able to complete the entire construction program with the resources that were available to us. One of the most remarkable features of our highly successful fund raising program was the number of individuals and organizations who gave multiple times during the course of our campaign, which began in 2002.
Although construction is now complete, our work with the Veterans Memorial is just beginning. We wish to continue improving the site with additional landscaping and other physical improvements, and we also want to begin some programs closely associated with the Veterans Memorial that will add value to our community. These undertakings require resources, and we anticipate opening additional fund-raising drives in the future in order to support these new and important initiatives.
We have closed our account with the Princeton Area Community Foundation and established a Dedicated Trust for the Montgomery Veterans Memorial.  The Trust is administered by Montgomery Township, and is for the exclusive benefit of our Veterans Memorial.  The Trust can accept bequests, legacies, and gifts, and the funds may not be used for any purpose other than to support the Montgomery Veterans Memorial.  All donations to the Montgomery Veterans Memorial are placed in the Dedicated Trust and are considered contributions to a recognized charity under the provisions of Section 170 of the Internal Revenue Code.  If you have any questions about reporting your donation you should consult your tax advisor.  Should you wish to make a donation in support of our Memorial, please make your check payable to “Montgomery Veterans Memorial” and mail it to:
Michael Pitts, Chief Financial Officer
Montgomery Township Municipal Building
2261 Van Horne Road – Route 206 North
Belle Mead, NJ 08502

Pledge Now

 Pledge Now  Comments Off on Pledge Now
Mar 242011

The Montgomery Veterans Memorial is a recognized charity under the provisions of Section 170 of the Internal Revenue Code.  We have established a Dedicated Trust for the Montgomery Veterans Memorial.  The Trust is administered by Montgomery Township, and is for the exclusive benefit of our Veterans Memorial.  The Trust can accept bequests, legacies, and gifts, and the funds may not be used for any purpose other than to support the Montgomery Veterans Memorial.  All donations to the Montgomery Veterans Memorial are placed in the Dedicated Trust and are considered contributions to a recognized charity under the provisions of Section 170 of the Internal Revenue Code.

If you wish to MAKE A CONTRIBUTION, please make your check payable to “Montgomery Veterans Memorial” and send it to:

Michael Pitts, Chief Financial Officer
Montgomery Township Municipal Building
2261 Route 206
Belle Mead, NJ 08502

Thank you!