We are extremely grateful to
the individuals, organizations, and companies
who have so generously contributed
to the Montgomery Veterans Memorial
since 2002
Donations of Goods and Services
AMEC Electric, LLC
Blooms at Belle Mead
B.P.O.E. Princeton Lodge #2129 *
Belle Mead Co-Op *
Cianfrocca Builders
Clifton Landscape Contracting, Inc.
Dutchtown Nurseries *
Elite Restoration, Inc.
Geils Tree Specialists, Inc *
Gibraltar Rock of Belle Mead *
Green Valley Landscapes *
Hawk Construction Products
JK Design
Landscape Marshal*
Mapleton Nurseries *
Maspro-Imagery *
Meadow Services Inc.
Northern Nurseries
Perone Landscaping
Rich Designs
Selody Sod Farms
Straight Edge Striping
Sunset Creations
TechnicianX *
Trap Rock Industries
Van Cleef Engineering Associates *
Weingart Landscaping
Donations in excess of $10,000
3M Foundation
CGEM Group LLC *
Jerry and Linda Cianfrocca *
Donations of $5,000 or more
Stevenson D’Alessio American Legion Post 12
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
Hugh & Kathy Dyer *
Johnson & Johnson Consumer Companies *
Donations of $2,500 or more
BBEC LLC Fundraisers
Hillsborough Memorial Post 8371 of VFW *
Herbert W. Hobler *
Montgomery PBA #355 *
Montgomery/Rocky Hill Rotary Club
Princeton Orthopaedic Associates II *
Donations of $1,000 or more
Norma G. Arons *
Thomas and Danielle Devine *
Richard and Nancy Grosso, Sr.
Kristina and Alfred Hadinger *
Johnson and Johnson
William T. Lubas *
Mike and Kathy Maloney
Wade and LeeAnn Martin
Arthur and Shirley Martin
Montgomery Township School District Staff 2011
Mark & Allison Petraske *
Princeton Innkeepers – T/A The Tigers Tale *
F.J. and Margaret Ryan
Sharbell Development Corporation
Trap Rock Industries, Inc.
Clifford and Louise Wilson *
Donations of $500 or more
1st Constitution Bank
B.P.O.E. Princeton Lodge #2129 *
Bank of America Charitable Foundation *
Jeffrey and Heidi Cianfrocca
Coppola & Coppola Associates
Kacey Dyer *
Hugh & Meegan Dyer *
Environmental Resolutions, Inc
Thomas P. Gallagher
Michael Gebhardt
Hopewell Valley Community Bank
William G. Hyncik, Jr. *
Mason, Griffin & Pierson
Donald and Patricia Matthews *
Norris, McLaughlin & Marcus
Donald and Patricia Prosser *
Lynne P. Seidel
Edward & Jaclyn Trzaska *
Kevin and Ginger Tylus
Georgia Whidden and Keith Wheelock
Donations of $250 or more
American Express Charitable Fund *
American Legion Post 304 *
John & Debbie Bolen
Bill and Judy Burks *
Mark and Patricia Caliguire *
Huguette Castaneda
William & Christine Dyer *
Marc Farley and Gwen Pollak Farley *
James and Carolyn Gilligan *
Harlingen Veterinary Clinic *
William and Nancy Jones
Sean R. Kelly
Terence and Sherilyn McCoy *
Montgomery Township Democratic Organization
Montgomery Township Education Association
Montgomery/Rocky Hill Municipal Alliance
Stephen and Susan Paneyko
Mary Reece
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Robert and Wanda Saums *
Willa & Michael Spicer
Julius and Catherine Szalay *
James and Mary Ellen Tietjen
Veterans of Foreign Wars of the US
Peter & Candis Willis
Jon and Donna Winer *
Christine N. Abrahams
Marie Abrahamsen
Bruce E. Abrahms
V. Jack Abraitis
Agalloco & Associates
George Aldridge
Ricardo and Patricia Alessandri
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Allen
William Altiere
James and Karen Anderson
Ildiko Antal
Larry Apperson
Lois J. Arbegast
Chris and Sandra Arnold
Salvatore and Deanna Arnone
Charles and Esther Atchley
Edward Atoeff
Alfred and Mary Lou Augusta
Maxine H. Baicker
Baker Chrysler Jeep Dodge, Inc.
Steven Barrett
Jeff and Jackie Barth
Bed & Biscuit Inn
James and Deborah Bellina
Michael and Carol Beltranena
John M. Benda *
Donald S. Benito, Sr.
William and Nancy Bennett
Steven and Elaine Bergida
Thomas and Christine Berk
Michele P. & Paul A. Bernal
Glen and Heather Berry
Barry L. & Mary M. Bickel
Paul and Mary Biondi
Norman Birkland
Larry and Sylvia Blackman
William F. Blake
Gilbert Blitz
Charles and Gari Bloom
Eileen F. Bolt
Carmel and Denise Bonnaig
Richard and Francine Bono
Jane H. Bonthron
Terri, Alan, & Zoe Bookman *
Anthony and Hedwig Bottitta
Gil and Arlene Bougher
Walter R. Bowen
Steven L. Boynton *
R. Robert and Barbara Briggs
Jans & Althea Brower
Christopher and Anna Bruno
Susan Buck
Cammps Hardware & Lawn
Brian and Carol Campbell
Steven and Marge Cannon
Joseph and Lorine Cantelmo
Thom Carter
Patrick and Mary Ann Cashman
Finn M. Casperson
Gary and Candace Castellino
Benjamin and Patricia Catalano
Saffet and Abir Catovic
Thomas and Hildegard Cavanaugh *
Albert and Jean Cevasco *
Philip and Mary Chaikin
Ms. Lillian M. Chance
Matthew and Janice Chemidlin
Cherry Valley Country Club
V.A. and Teresa Chiusano
Chow’s Enterprises, Inc.
John and Ruth Cilo
Daniela Ciminella
Carlton and Gail Clough
John and Carmela Colamarino *
Edward and Priscilla Coleman *
Susan A. Coleman
Richard F. Collier Jr.
James and Geraldine Collins
Colonial Barber Shop, LLC
Flora Marie and Robert Comizzoli
Deborah E. Compte *
Kenneth V. Conover *
Nicholas and Jennifer Conte
Robert and Suzanne Cordier
Country Cabinet Shop
Ernest and Irene Cousino
Stephen and Susan Couture
Anita Cox
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Crisfield
Winifred P. Crocetti
Denis and Constance Cummings
Jim & Luisa Curry
Conrad and Janet D’Alessandro *
Stephen and Janet Danforth
Margaret L. Daniels
Joseph and Josephine Darcy
Alvin and Barbara Darvin
Stephen and Margaret Davis *
Stuart and Maria Davis *
Lucille G. Dawson
Steven and Patricia Day
Steven and Loretta De Rochi
Paul and Barbara DeBaylo
Jose and Hae-Young deLavalle
Theodore L. Delbo
Frank and Marilyn Delillo
Dental Center of Montgomery, LLLC
Steven & Loretta Derochi
Steven and Alisa Diemer
Albert and Jane Dilks
A. Paul and Anne Disdier
DPR Electric, Inc.
Lewis and Joyce Drake
Theodore and Marion Drake *
Douglas and Elizabeth Drbal
Heidi Dreyfuss *
Marie Drift
Frank & Noel Drift
Lawrence and Lori Dudek
Stephen and Diane Dugan
Lynn S. Dunham
Allistair and Marilyn Dunn
Michael and Karen Durik
Fredrick and Diane East
Victor and Ellen Elgort *
Shirley Ellis
Alma G. Engelman
Brian and Katherine Fallon
Joseph and Shelley Fallon
Brenda Fallon
Linda L. Fasano
Robert and Peggy Fass
Mary P. Fenton *
Walter & Rita Fenyk
Frances W. Ficken
Dr. Michael J. Fidanzato
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Guy Fillebrown
William and Nickole Forbes
Robert R. Ford and Barbara Marroccoli
Shurald Forde and Joanna Jones-Forde
Joseph Fortunato
Steven and Tracy Foxx
Kevin and Erica Gaffey
Charles G. & Mary E. Gall
Philip H. & Gail J. Gallo
Frederick and Tamara Garaffa
Philip Garrison
Benjamin and Morena Gazdowicz
Norman and Laura Gebhart
Hans and Lilian Geyer *
Deborah Giordano
Joseph and Christine Glancey
Lawrence and Virginia Goldberger
Bruce and Linda Goldstein
Ronald Gonzalez, M.D. and Ms. Elsa Negrin *
Thomas F. Gorman *
Stanley Linda Grabon
H. James and Carole Graff
Robert and Elizabeth Graffin
Gilman and Karen Graves
Green Valley Lawn & Landscape
Joseph and Diane Grosso
Buel K. Grow, Jr.
Bruce and Joan Guest
John and Ann Gueterman
George and Kathleen Guissi
Ruth Gunsel
Bill and Kathy Hackett
Nancy E. Hamilton
Shirley Handler *
Mrs. Mary E. Hardesty
Paul and Teresa Harrison
Nathaniel and Valerie Hartshorne
William Hausdoerffer
Ronald and Sylvia Hauser
John and Cathryn Heath
George and Mary Hefferman
George C. & Mary M. Heffernan
Gloria Hendrickson
G. Russell and Judith Henshaw
Gilbert and Cynthia Henyon
William J. Herbert
Sharon Herl
David and Deborah Herman
Frederick and Brigette Herrmann
Ronald and Barbara Hess *
Rudolf and Ingrid Heubach *
Robert Hilkert
Glenn & Sandra Hill
David and Carolyn Hoeschele
Betty Hogan
Gerard and Lori Hogan
Gerard and Linda Holzwarth
Frank & Joyce Homan
Honda of Princeton *
Glen and Nancy Hoos
Irving Horowitz DMD
Denise Houghton
Howard Design Group, Inc.
John and Cary Hunt
Sam Hunter
Keith and Maryann Hunter
Terrence M. Hurley
John and Mary Hurley
Daniel and Joan Huttar
Catherine Iervolino
Neil and Mary Jaffe
Herman and Alaine Jass
Stanley and Sandra Jensen
Robert Jerzewski and Heddie Martynowicz
John LaRue Auto Care
Fred N. Johnson *
Bruce & Kamala Johnson *
Jeff & Debbie Jones
E. Michael and Lucille Joye *
Camille Y. Kabat *
Stephen and Joan Karsay
Thomas and Lisa Karsay
Richard Karsay
Lawrence D. Kaufman
John and Linda Kazmark
Donna Kelly
Thomas Keneagy and Diane Weidman
Richard and Carole Keri
Earl Kim *
George and Patricia Kirk
A.B. and Pange Kirk
Richard D. Kirschner and Deborah K. Glick
Richard D. Kline
Abby Knuckey
Richard and Sara Kocinski
Nora A. Kolbert
Eleanora M. Kolbert *
Lawrence Koplik and Sarah Roberts
John and Carol Ann Kosztyo
Tyrone and Norma Jean Krause
Robert & Kathy Kress
Mary Kreyling *
F. David and Cynthia Kring
Edward Krisiloff and Susan Forster
Michael and Maria Kurowski
Ladies Auxilary to Hillsborough Memorial VFW
Jeanne K. Lamie
Debbie Lampf and Michael Kalison
Robert Lanning
Jane A. Lavoie
Thomas and Joan Leach
Warren and Dorothy Leback
Joyce Lefens
Thomas J. Lepionka
Richard and Patricia Lincoln *
Vida & Lawrence Lipowski
Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Lloyd
James and Mary Lotze
Peter and Debra Loupos
William and Johnna Lowery, Jr.
Edward and Beverly Lubas
Theodore and June Lubas
Joseph and Jane Maida
Kenneth Mailloux
Marilyn G. Malik
Eugene and Maryann Mancino *
Michael Mandracchia
Michael and Donalyn Marchio *
John Marincas
Donald and Lori Matthews
David and Mary Anne Maxwell
Larry and Pamela Mayewski
Eve Mazzella
Lawrence and Elizabeth Mazzeo
John and Sharon Mc Knight
McAlpin Fund
John and Gwen McCullagh *
William J. and Kathleen McCurry
Timothy and Ellen McDonald
McDonough & Rea
James McFadden
Timothy and K. Andrea McGahan
Arthur and Kim McGinnis
Kevin and Jayne McGuigan
William and Marianne McKechnie
Michael and Adrianne McNally
Anthony and Antoinette Melchione
Mary Menella
Joseph and Janet Merk *
Douglas and Karen Merritt
Douglas and Martha Merritt
Kathryn A. & Steven P. Metz & Heckel
Jack and Marion Michel
Donald and Tamara Mikolasy
Gary and Karen Milchanoski *
Cheryl C. Miller *
Maung & Lynn Min
Italo Minutello *
Mistretta Design Grooup LLC
Vincent J. & Bridget Moccio
Mark and Melissa Molnar
Montgomery Friends of Open Space, Inc.
Montgomery Upper Middle School Student Activities
Montgomery Woman’s Club
Moonwalk Adventures
Mary S. Moorehead
Craig A. Moorhead
Michael and Susan Moran
William J. Morocco
Augustine and Mary Ann Mosso
Sondra L. Moylan
David and Theresa Mullaney
Edward and Jennie Murphy *
Brian and Katherine Murphy
Donald and Margaret Murphy
Ralph and Ellen Myers *
S. Yegna and Janet Narayan
Joseph and Della Nemes *
Joseph and Francine Netska
Rainer and Mary Newman
NJ Beagle Club, Inc.
Rose Obinger
Lawrence and Elinor O’Brien
George and Patrice O’Donnell
Jeffrey and Lisa O’Hara
Joseph and Joyce Oliver
Vladimir Oliver
Kenneth and Jean Olsson
Mary Frances P. Opp
Stephanie Osborne
Robin Osborne
Kim Augustis Otis
Robert & Ruth Palmer
Anthony and Margaret Paolo
Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Parry
Ruth F. Patterson
Reginald & Lois Pauley
Andrew and Jane Pedinoff
Pelorus, Inc.
J. Edward and Marsha Penick
Kurt & Jill Perhach
Dennis and Elaine Perrine
Leon and Nancy Petelle
Judith A. Peters
Dale and Teri Peterson
Dr. John B. Peterson
G. Allen and Diane Pfanstiel *
Gary and Janet Phifer
Sarah M. Piller *
John and Angelina Pinelli
Pinto & Butler
Richard and Rosemarie Platt
Richard and Jean Pluta
Jeffrey and Melissa Podell
Edwin Podsiadlo *
Fred and Susan Pompa
Linda Popper *
Brian & Donna Potter
Presbyterian Homes of New Jersey Foundation
Darlene Prestbo *
Lucile S. Proctor
Mr. Thomas P. Proctor
Vincent and Lori Pugliese
Arne and Meta Rasmussen
William and Karen Rathyen
Walter and Margaret Raymond
Peter N. Rayner *
Red Oak Diner
James H. Reed
Kenneth and Louise Reilly
Michael J. Reilly
Reverie Farms
Jack and Betty Rieur *
Arun & Sanjana Rimal
Thomas and Karen Rocca
Rocky Hill Cleaners, Inc.
Joseph and Linda Romano
Harel & Paulette Rosen, M.D.
Benjamin Rozenblat and Mirna Rucci
William Ruggero and Jacqueline Davie-Ruggero
Allan and Ellen Ryan
Carmine and Barbara Salierno
Jeffrey and Melissa Salton *
Eugene and Josephine Sansone
Santa Fe Grille at the Rocky Hill Inn
Mark and Diane Schambra
Henry G. Scharf
Scharf’s Coach Works
Robert and Barbara Scheer
John and Patricia Scheidnagel
David and Doris Schmidt
David Schumer
Katherine R. Schwenker
Frank and Marilyn Sciotto
Paul and Grace Segalini
Frederic and Mitzi Seinfeld
Katherine M. Seitz
Richard Shadrach
Michael and Carol Shay
John and Hsiu Shen
John and Catherine Shockley
Randall and Corrine Siegel
Bob and Kathryne Simmons *
Barry Singer
Michael and Cheryl Sisler
William D. Sivitz and Christina L. Schumacher
Harold and Jean Skillman *
Mr. Pete Slugg
William and Dorothy Slusarchyk
Edward A. Small
Leonard and Betty Jane Smith
James and Betsy Smith
Rich & Valerie Smith
Donald and Johanna Snedeker
Soos Radon & Electric, Inc.
Sovereign Bank
Rose Marie Spaeth *
Stella Speinheimer
Roger and Darlene Spohn
Ada Sponholtz
Robert A. Staats
Larry and Rochelle Steinberger
Joseph and Marsha Stencel *
Mark J. Stevens
William and Susan Strawderman
Thomas and Nancy Strickland
Sunset Creations
Swiss Precision Products, Inc.
Roy and Debra Taft
Robert and Diane Talarick
Paul and Joan Tellier
Grace Terhune *
Thomas and Barbara Tesar
Nancy Tetz
The Montgomery News
Thomas J. Kavanaugh VFW Post 2290
Raymond and Renee Tice
Time Out Childcare
Suzanne Townsend Living Trust
TRC Omni
Steven and Imogene Treble
Robert W. Van Arnum
Scott and Patricia Van Arsdalen
Anthony J. Vannella
Arthur and Kathryn Varga
Paul and Adrienne Vecchione
Yogi & Malini Waghray
Mr. Patrick J. Walsh
Patricia L. Walsh
P. Michael and Colleen Walsh
Ronald and Camille Walthall
Herman M. Ward
Margery B. Ward
Margaret A. Warms
Robert E. Warner
Linda Wase
Michael A. Wasyl DDS
Raymond and Micheline Watrous
David and Lynn Watson
Peter G. Weiland
Joe & Dale Weingart
Edmund C. Weiss, Jr.
Eberhard Weitze *
Patricia Wendling
Thomas West and Brenda Overcash
Westminister Wealth Management
John and Jayme Wheeler
Kendrick and Lisa White
James and Martha Wickenden
Karen Wintress
Harry and Kristina Wise
Arietta E. Wismer *
William and Kathleen Witwer
Edmund and Margaret Wnukowski
Leonard and Carol Wood
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Woolley
Wronko & Loewen
Frederick and Donna Wyckoff
Raymond and Virginia Wyckoff
Donald Young
Kent and Lisa Youngberg
John and Patricia Zach
Elaine L. Zeltner
Karen Zimmerman
* Denotes those who have given multiple times