Veterans Day 2013
List of Veterans
We’re proud of the following
Montgomery Veterans
whose names appear on the
Montgomery Veterans Memorial
March 8, 2013
Jeremiah Crow
Abram Cruser
Henry Fourt
Martin Hoagland
Peter Perlee
Abraham Quick
Joachim Quick
Abraham Skillman
Benjamin Skillman
Gerardus B Skillman
John T Skillman
Thomas Skillman
Rynier Staats
Cornelius Stout
Jediah Stout
Moses Stout
Nathan Stout
John D Stryker
Peter Sutphen
Garret Terhune
Stephen Terhune
William Terhune
WAR OF 1812
Samuel Beekman
John Covert
Henry Duryee
Charles Silvester
John Stout
Abraham Van Nuys
Peter Van Nuys
Abraham O Voorhees
Lewis Wicks
James Alfred
Garrett V Beekman
John V Bergen
Daniel Blaney
Isaac Bollman
Abraham V D Brearley
Garrett D Bush
Abraham B Conover
Jon Conover
Lawrence T Conover
Henry H Covert
Levitt Covert
Henry V Cox
Cornelius W Cray
Zephaniah Cray
James Cray *
John A Cray *
Charles H Cruser
John W Dilts
William P Duffield
John Everett
Stephen French
Richard Garmo
Garret Garretson
Louis Gethler
Asher Hagerman
Joseph J Hawk
Charles Height
John C Higgins
James V Hoff
Asher Johnson
John P Johnson
Asher Latourette
Charles Lawyer
Alfred F Lewis
George Logan
Fritz Lovering
Thomas Murphy
Jacob Packer
Benjamin C Piggott
Garrett Quick
Jacob A Racher
Richard Savidge
Samuel Schanck
Joseph P Scudder
Charles Sernberger
Thomas Skillman
George Skirm
James H Stout
Frederick Stryker
Peter V Stryker
William G Stryker
Abraham Sullivan
Stephen Terhune
James H Thorpe
John B Van Dyke
John K Van Pelt
William B Van Pelt
Abram Voorhees
Augustus Voorhees
George C Voorhees
John Voorhees
William B Voorhees
Stephen Voorhees Jr
Abram Whitehead
George S Duffield
Edward James
Charles T Duffield
William P Haight
John Hustwaite
William Scarlett
Elias Sjoberg
Bernard W Van Zandt
Carl Ahistrom
Harry T Anderson
Walter J Anderson
Christian H Audesirk
George Ball
Albert F Bartlett
Katherine C Bates
Edward W Bechtold
George S Clark
George A Coyle
Howard K Crane
Antonio DeMeo
Arthur S Dixon
Florence Dixon
Charles W Donahue
George Doyle
Walter W Drake
Samuel Duffield
George Dupree
William Ellman
Frank Glembocki
John J Hamel III
Henry Hanson
Atherton W Hobler
Edward B Irish
Frank F James
William B James
Raymond Johnson
Theodore Johnson
Samuel Keen
Henry Kirk
Victor Knies
Joseph Lowry
Frank W McCullough
John R Miller
M Edwin Miller
Rheinold Miller
Vincenzo Mistretta
Joseph M Neil
Albert W Piggot
Arthur Robinson
Maurice T Savige
Archie T Smith
Frederick Staats
Henry Thompson
Albert Van Zandt
Alfred Walther
Rayford K Adams Jr
James S Ajamian
Phillip Allshouse
Leon E Anderson
Marion A Andrews
Jack P Arecco
Joseph P Arecco
Woodrow Ayers
Edward J Bannon
Elmer Bear
Richard Bell
Boyd M Bergen
Edward B Bergen
Joseph Bernard
Jack J Berson
Chester Bielewicz
Norman L Birkland
William F Blake
Samuel Blank
LeCompte Bolmer
William B Bolmer
Charles L Boonen
Arthur W Brecknell
Wesley N Breese
Charles A Bregenger Jr
William F Brill
Arthur T Brown
Walter D Brown
George L Brown *
William Bucci
Garrett D Bush
Robert J Butler
Harold L Cain
Robert M Caivano
John W Calhoun
Edward J Canzano
Andrew Carafo
Joseph Carafo
Alden B Carlson
John H Castner
George Cerny
James F Cherry
Vincent A Chiusano
Frank J Chokel
Adolph M Chwastyk
Stephen Chwastyk
Alvah B Conover
Gertrude L Conrady
Leonard J Cooper
Robert M Cramer
Douglas Crane
John S Crater
Andrew Crill
Pasquale D’Angelo
Walter J Daniels
Stanley E Darmochwal
Arthur Davis
Hugh C Davis
James B Dawson
Ralph I DeHart
Thomas Derillo
Frederick E Dickt
John J DiLorenzo
Guy J Diviaio Jr
Donald C Dixon
Mary E Dixon
John K Dorey
Frank Drift
Martin H Drift
Edward B Drong
Clyde E Eck
William C Eliman Jr
Milton O Elkow
William G Engelman
Seth England
Arthur W Erck
Edwin H Erck
Theodore E Farkas
Fred L Farley
Harry T Fenton
John R Fenyk
Robert E Feucht
John F Ficken
Robert J Fischer
Stanley Frey
Frederick F Frintner
James M Fulton
Clarence Gabriel
Clarence Galick
Stephen Galick
Vincent T Galick
Charles G Gall
Margaret W Gallico
Philip G Garrison
Nicolas Gataroska
Emil R Gelatko
Joseph Genega
Frank G Giordano
John F Gloskey
M Catherine Glutting
John H Graves
William C Gregg
Douglas W Griggs
Wilmer Grover Jr
Diomede Guertin
Robert F Hageman
Richard W Haitch
Jean C Hall
Claudia J Hammond
Bernard A Handler
Charles F Handler
Joseph T Handler
Raymond D Hardesty
Edward F Harrigan
Paul E Harrison
Raymond J Hart
Nathaniel H Hartshorne
Fred L Hatke
Rose M Hatzlhoffer
Charles E Havens
George C Heffernan
Harold E Heidtmann
Gavin W Hendrickson
Kenneth Herrmann
Arnold J Hirsch
Norman G Hoagland
Herbert W Hobler
Wells A Hobler
Herbert U Hoepfner
Karl Hoepfner
Aloysius C Hogan
George J Holbig
Alfred J Hughes
Ernest W Hughes
Frederick J Hughes
Melvin Hunting
John H Hurley
Wilbur U Hurley
Joseph P Ianuzzi
Peter J Ianuzzi
Frank Igleweski
Walter J Igleweski
Edward B Irish
Harry R Jacobs Jr
Adrian Johnson
Merlin N Johnson
Norman W Jones
Richard W Jones III
Arthur H Jorgensen
Frank P Kabat
Paul Kalenik
Charles Kane
James Kane
Henry M Keen
Clifford Kelly
Robert L Kiefer
Henry F Kinbel
Donald A King
Stephen L King
Roger Kirkpatrick
Herman C Kliber
Ferdinand Kochis
Arvind V Kokatnur
Harry F Kolbert
Thomas A Kozi
Martha M Kramarich
Peter J Kramarich
John Kreyling
Arnold D Krugman
Marian G Krugman
Edward J Krystaponis
Dewey C LaPlante
Francis E Lawrence
Joseph D Lazar
Michael Lazas Jr
Dorothy J Leback
Warren G Leback
Marvin V Lefens
Emil W Lehmann
Justin T Leonard
Claude F Lewis
John P Lewis
June R Lewis
Dennis C Liles
Andrew H Limekiller
Leon W Linebarger
Bernard Localio
Calvin S Lovering
Adolph E Lubas
Frank J Lubas
Henry S Lubas
Olindo T Luciani
Thomas A Luciani
Joseph J Lutostanski
Peter MacIntyre
Francis M Maguire
Robert H Maher
Donald J Mahler
Ernest L Malberti
Bogdan Malko
Frederick Malko
Russell Malko
Steven Malko
Michael Malko *
Alex Malko Jr
John L Mancuso
Michael O Mandracchia
Rosario Marceca
John W Marcus
Steve A Maurer
Gerald C Mayer
Edward Mazur
Walter Mazur
Joseph E McAllister
John F McCarthy Jr
James T McDonald
Millicent B McDonald
James F McGann
Eugene McKenna
Robert McMillan
Mary E McNamara
Paul J Messineo
John Milchanoski
Warren W Mitchell
Franklin B Montague
Charles A Moorhead
William J Morocco
Anthony D Morrison
John B Morrison
Margaret E Mount
Donald L Murphy
Day Myers
Philip Narusewicz
Harry A Nelson
Joseph J Nemes Jr
Manuel Nikas
Joseph R Nini
Joseph J Nolan
Robert B Nystrom
John J O’Connell Jr
James L O’Connor
Andrew R O’Hara Jr
Samuel Oliver
Henry F Orr
William Oudenne
Joseph Palecek
Jesse F Pariso
Charles R Parmele III
Arthur L Parr
Floyd L Parr
Walter L Parr
Samuel Patterson
R William Pauley
John J Pearce Jr
Donald W Perkins
Timothy V Peters Jr
John T Phillips
Winthrop S Pike
Eugene E Piller
Henry A Pinter
Joseph Pirone
George G Place
Michael Polomchak
Gordon O Popper
David Pramer
Adolph E Raksa
Adams K Rayford
Robert Rayhon
Walter E Raymond
Alexander J Reid
Leo Reynolds
Anthony S Richards
Raymond J Ridolfi
Daniel E Robbins
Donald B Robinson
Joseph H Robinson
Raymond J Rogers
Peter Rosenberg
Robert E Rosenberg
Charles Rospopa *
Vincent L Ross Jr
Bernard J Rowley
Virginia Runyon
Edward Sabo
John H Sabo
Bradford Saivetz
Joseph Sara
Robert C Saums
Herbert W Savidge Jr
Norman R Schechter
William B Schram
Norman F Schuman
Robert F Schwenker Jr.
Clark T Scully
Herman Seeburger
Frederick E Seidel Jr
George A Seitz
Fred R Sheldon
William I Shepley Jr
Frank L Sibrava
Irving Sigel
Charles W Silvester
A Dix Skillman
Harold F Skillman
William V Skillman
V Leroy Skillman Jr
Enoch L Slover
Melville R Smith
Donald D Snyder
Louise Sommovigo
Marcello J Sommovigo
Matthew Sottile
William L Spaeth
Harry Speinheimer
Gordon W Spencer
Ada H Staats
Robert A Staats
Vincent C Staats
Francis L Staats Jr
Frank S Stanski
Joseph Stanski
Joseph Stanton
Lloyd Steiner
George Stevenson
Ralph S Stillwell
Clarence C Strong
William C Stryker
Parvin R Stryker Jr
John B Suveg
Harold Swigon
Joseph J Szeglin
Clifford H Taft
John Tarr
David H Taylor
Lloyd L Taylor
William Tedford
Paul E Tellier
William H Terhune
Donald C Thiel
Karl T Tompsen
William J Thull
LeGrand C Tibbits
David B Todd
Daniel Trasak Jr
John W Trasco
John Tropack
Sergay Trosko
Glenwood H Truelove
Miles W Truesdell
George J Urszulak
George Valenta
Gertrude Van Doren
Lloyd Van Doren
Robert V Van Fleet
John L Van Ness
Gordon A Van Schoick
Edward Van Seters
Garrett Van Seters
John P Van Zandt Jr
Percy L Vandemark
Anthony J Vannella
Aristotle J Vazakas
Theodore A Ventrone
Charles Vergano
Anna A Wallek
Elmer R Walls
Herman M Ward
Harold L Warner
Ernest Weidl
Hans Weidl
Henry Weidl
Julius Weidl
Carl Weidl
Robert C White
Stephen White
Harold I Whitenack
Alfred A Wickland
John A Wilke
Douglas W Wilson
Henry W Wilson
Mortimer A Wilson
John H Winant
Thomas A Wycoff
George A Wyeth Jr
Edward Wysocki
George N Yantz
Harold K Yingling
Harold J Young
Louis Zabielski
Martin L Zapf
Charles J Zid
John F Allen
Alexander E Altieri
Larry Apperson
Gerald E Bailey
Edward J Bannon
John M Benda
Larry Blackman
Anthony S Bottitta
Walter R Bowen
Forest A Brower
Albert R Cartwright
David G Christie
Raymond H Cocciolillo
John Colamarino
Edward Coleman
Robert W Croghan
Martin J Cummins
Charles A Cunningham
Walter J Daniels
Alvin J Darvin
Victor Dejneka
Eugene Denagel
Edmond V Dillon
Giuseppe DiMeglio
Harry Dowling
Robert C Doyle
Donald R Drake
Arthur M Edelman
Lawrence T Ellis
John V Ely
Peter E B Erdman
William P Fedun
Walter D Fenyk
Salvatore Ferrara
Martin J Fletcher
James W Francis Jr
Clarence Gabriel
Clarence Galick
Phillip H Gallo
Barry S Goodstein
Robert B Graffin
Neil Graham
John J Gueterman
David L Hackler
Richard P Handler
Herbert H Hann
Glenn G Hansford
Raymond D Hardesty
Robert W Harris
John B Healy
Charles R Henning
Ronald J Hess
Roland G Hetherington
Rudolf E Heubach
Frank B Homan
Millard L Horner
Leonard P James
Herbert W Johnsen
Fred N Johnson Jr
William D Jones
William T Kenney
George Kirk
Stephan G Kozesnik
James P Lang
Alexander R Lange
James B Laughlin II
Fred A Licausi
Thomas A Lies
Joseph C Malik
Arthur I Martin
Edward A McAlick
Joseph R Mennella Jr
Joseph A Merk
Douglas H Merritt
Edward C Meyer
Italo M Minutello
Ignatius J Mistretta
Harold P Moran
Augustine E Mosso
David H Mullaney
Peter F Mundo
Ralph H Myers
Philip Narusewicz
Robert A Nemes
Lawrence W O’Brien
Henry Olsen
Samuel R Osterhoudt
Nicolas Palazzo
Sidney L Palius
Edwin L Podsiadlo
James S Quartuccio
Henry F Raymond Jr
Cicero C Reid
George R Reinhart
Walter M Robbins
Alfred M Robotti
F Donald Rocknak
Joseph A Rogozinski
Vincent L Ross Jr
Bernard J Rowley
Eugene A Sansone
David J Schmidt
Roger L Schonewald
Roger L Seitz
Stephen E Seitz
John Shockley
Noel V Siegert
Victor A Skaar
John R Staats
Francis L Staats Jr
Albert V Stanski
Donald J Symonoski
Joseph F Tucker
George J Urszulak
Anthony J Vannella
William C Voorhees Jr
Charles J Weingart Jr
John A Wilke
Joseph A Wilke
Sidney L Willis
Charles W Wright
Douglas L Young
Vytautas J Abraitis
James P Agalloco
James H Ajamian
Peter Allshouse
Lawrence B Arecco
Joseph M Aspray Jr
John Baldino
Dean C Balthaser
Alphonso Battaglino
Robert S Bennett Jr
Robert A Bisaccia
Robert H Bondeson
Richard S Bono
Gilbert O Bougher
Paul I Bowman
Steven L Boynton
Robert J Brechka
Isaac Briggs Jr
Jans B Brower
David H Brown
Walter D Brown Jr
Roger C Bruestle
Robert B Bruns
William P Burks
Frederick K Burt
Francis N Burzik
Anthony Cafaro
Wayne L Caivano
Donald W Calhoun
John W Calhoun Jr
Brian F Campbell
Christopher L Cannon
Joseph Cantelmo
Luigi Carnevale
Mario F Carrandi Jr
Mark T Cavanaugh
Gerald M Cianfrocca
James R Clos
Steven J Cohn
Ernest Cousino III
John Cullivan
Felix Czech
Francesco D’Amico
Thomas M DeGaglia
Nicolas J DeLarato
Charles V DiDomenico
Michael DiGeranimo
Albert L Dilks
Nicholas M DiPano Jr
Frederick Dixon
Joseph P Dmuchawski
William C Dunham
Hugh N Dyer III
Fred G East
John S Eberhardt Jr
William C Edmonds
John Fago
Peter K Flick
Burton A Ford III
Clarence Gabriel
Clarence Galick
Steven W Gankiewicz
Brian J Geiger
Richard T Gesswein
Carlo J Giannini
Joseph Giordano
Bruce W Guest
George J Guissi
James A Hamilton
Robert R Hampton
James W Hann
Bernard T Hansen
Tom G Heebink
Charles R Henning
Gilbert B Henyon
Glenn R Hill
Robert E Holm
Gerard G Holzwarth
Thomas A Hull
Frank G Iervolino
Joseph D Jackson
Stanley N Jensen Jr
William D Jones
Charles Kabis
Wayne R Kachelriess
Frank J Kane
David W Kiefer
James E Kohl
William A Kozesnik
Stephen T Krencicki Jr
Frank D Kring III
John M Kuhs
Robert B Kulvicki
Richard Kusterbeck
Eugene F LaBorne Jr
Stephen E Laney
Robert R Lanning
Charles LaPalme
Edward J LaPlante
Henry W Lavoie
Harris G LeRoy II
Alan Levitt
Craig R Lewis
Raymond A Liscik
Gregory Loats
Dale Localio
Russell Longo
William T Lubas
Doug J MacMorris
T Jerome Madison
Charles P Magula
Anthony L Maldarelli
Donald D Malko
Ralph J Mariscano
Hoyt W Masterton
Donald W Matthews Jr
George E McVaugh
Franklin J McVeigh Jr
A Theodore Merritt
Richard S Messner
Joseph F Meszaros Jr
Jack E Michel
Charles Mihalik
Donald Miller
Richard J Miller
George N Mitchels
Patrick A Nemes
Joseph W Netska
Rainer Newman
Timothy J Newsom
Richard S Nichols
Tom Onka
John K Panek
Stephen H Paneyko
John O Parker Jr
Emil H Philibosian
Richard F Piech
Kim E Piersol
John F Pinter
John A Prestbo
Nicolas C Procaccini
Donald W Prosser
Daniel C Pullen
William J Quinn
Ralph H Raymond
Peter N Rayner
Bernard J Rowley
Allan W Ryan
Raymond J Ryan
John C Sapalio
William A Saro
Charles A Scasserra
Henry G Scharf
Wayne K Scharf
John E Scheidnagel
Gregory L Schmidt
Alvin E Schoen Jr
Robert P Scott
Roger L Seitz
Michael D Shay
Edward J Sherman
Robert T Simmone
Barry Singer
Peter H Slugg
Edward A Small
Lawrence C Smith
Joseph Soltan
John J Soos
Joseph R Stencel
Michael Stevens
Rodney Stryker
Alan T Taber
Harvey J Tesser
Charles Thomson
Gerard P Totaro
John C Tyler Jr
Bruce E Vamos
Gordon A Van Schoick Jr
William C Van Zandt
Emile F VanderStucken III
Lawrence J Vernon
Paul H Visco
Stephen H Warner *
Edward W Weinbrect Jr
Edmund C Weiss Jr
John E Willis
Ernest Willson
Jon R Winer
James D Wintress
Alan C Wirsul
Leonard A Wood
Harry T Worshefski
Stephen T Worsthorn
Robert J Wysocki
Leonard A Zyzyck
Daniel Black
James A Chrisfield
Alfred Corsano
Thomas G Devine
John L Hunt
Brian M Kiernan
Peter Pinelli
Daniel Turlip
James W Anderson Jr
Matthew J Beattie
Thomas J Cavanaugh
Matthew P Chemidlin
Alfred Corsano
Robert A Cramer
Patrick J Daly
Stuart L Davis
Thomas G Devine
Frederick Dixon
Ronald G Geyer
Jeffrey B Hirsch
Frank G Iervolino
Brian M Kiernan
Joseph W Long
Franklin J McVeigh Jr
Beth Ann Perkins
Richard F Piech
Richard W Platt
William A Saro
Robert T Simmons
Alan T Taber
Daniel Turlip
David B Windom
Matthew J Beattie
Patrick J Daly
Thomas G Devine
Hugh N Dyer IV
Ronald G Geyer
Brian P Murphy
Mark C Salierno
Joseph B Townsend III
Daniel Turlip
Matthew J Beattie
Andrew Bellina
Mathew Bellina
David H Bennett
Ryan C Bennett
Andrew J Bolen
Ryan P Bolen
Sarah Bolen
Brian Ceponis
Matthew P Chemidlin
Matthew A Collier
Michael J Collins
Ryan Conover
Michael L Cunniff
Patrick J Daly
Gregory J Elgort
Kenneth P Elgort
Michael Esposito
Kevin M Faust
Jonathan Fini
Jonathan Frangakis
Ronald G Geyer
Eric J Hanft
Ashley L Henderson Huff *
Frank G Iervolino
Jonathan R Kelly
Joseph W Long
M Anthony Lopez-Lopez
John W Lubas
Jill M Maldarelli-Drey
Douglas E McWilliams
Anthony J Molesphini IV
Elsa Negrin
Patrick F Noll
Richard W Platt
Brandon N Potter
Thomas P Proctor
Mark C Salierno
Matthew R Stencel
Michael Tomai
Benjamin Tucker
Daniel Turlip
James White
Christopher Witwer
Errors and Omissions
We sincerely regret the following errors and omissions in the engraving of the Memorial:
The name Robert E. Drong (WWII) is in error. It should read Edward B. Drong (WWII).
The following names will be added to the Montgomery Veterans Memorial:
Rynier Staats
William A Saro
William A Saro